
group blog therapy

I stopped by blog.pl to read Wszyscy Tacy Sami.. I browsed newest additions to other totally random blogs. And you know what.. it reminds me of Group Hug.. A bunch of whining people [hey, like me! :D] writing stuff that usually noone reads. Intelectual pornography. Some people sharing their life and feeling in an erzatz of a diary for other people who gain their pleasure from peeping into other people lifes. I know why I don't read other people diaries - none of my friends run a diary. And I don't care about people I don't know. I only follow blogs that feature comic strips, novels or short stories. And why do I keep running blog? It's a form of a therapy, slash bit of megalomania... ;D
Anyway.. I have to find aunt's phone number and call her up... and I have to plan my vacation.. uh.. and work.. yeah :D


Mixmaster VJ :P

So. As I was saying I played around with VJ stuff. Effect: I have small amateur studio at home :D It occupies my hellishly small desk. I have Videonics MX-1 mixer, preview on small 14 inch tv, output on the 21 inch tv above my head [not seen in the picture], vcr, generic colour pattern and computer as sources.. Not much but it's still something to play with. All those transitions, wipes, zooms, p-i-p's, and so on are very much fun. I feel like a kid. Wheee. Now I have to find GPI cable to connect video mixer to the pc to add titles without titler or sumperimposing it in other way. I wish I had my old mac. I've read that it has GPI port and it could easily 'talk' to it plus I'd have additional source.. Oh well. Best thing about this mixer is that output from the computer is stable. No shaking, no interlace, no nothing. Purrrrfect :D


Things to do in Warsaw when you're dead

OK, it's not about movie with Andy Garcia... Apart from the fact that I'm watching it at the moment. Girl in the picture is Gabrielle Anwar and she is ab-so-lu-te-ly beautiful. No wonder she was dubbed one of the '50 most beautiful people in the world' by People magazine. If you haven't seen 'Things to do in Denver when you're dead' you should. It's a decent movie, with great cast. Buscemi, Christopher Lloyd and Christopher Walken to name few.
In other news. I went to this rave gig yesterday. It was much fun, I got hung on vj's computer.. and I think they won't let me into dj's booth anymore :D It's a shame, cause I'm just another asshole who likes to hang out in dj booth with dj's, promoters and groupies :) Oh hell, it was fun :D Anyhoo, It's almost 3 AM and I think I should go to sleep instead of watching the movie. I have to be at work at 9... crap :/

Till then, bye bye


Flag-wavers vs. whistle-blowers

One of the greatest economists of our times, Dr Francis Fukuyama, author of The End of History and The Last Man said in recent interview that Bush administration reminds him of Lenin. But what does that mean for us? Does it mean that next will be new Stalin? Some call Bush Stalin, Hitler already, but I think there's a difference between devouted Christian, who in name of God launches crusade against followers of other religion.. and Hitler.. :> Nah, I'm just kidding. Bush is not after genocide of arabic nations. It's all about Benjamins. He doesn't want to have 'lebensraum' in 'Sauditenland'. And I sometimes that sometimes he really do believe that what he does is right and justified.

But Bush policy raised a lot of questions, not only after infamous 9/11 but from the start. I'm watching closely what's going on in USA. Me as well as number of fellow Europeans. We watch.. in shock and awe.. We are afraid of new Lenin. We are afraid of imposing democracy and bringing it on tanks. We don't like when someone openly supports one regime and overthrows the other. We are not stupid, and maybe it's a hipocrisy... maybe we do have too many skeletons in our closets to judge others.. But I think we have learned that playing God is just not right. And I think in present times world gaining pace require fast learners.
World supporting USA is splitted between flag wavers and whistle blowers. I really think USA need more whistle blowers.. while Europe actually need more flag wavers. Now it's all but in balance. USA has such people as Michael Moore and Noah Chomsky. On the other side of the Atlantic I don't see flag wavers that don't fall under 'fascist' or 'bigot' category.

Yeah.. she is..

Hey. It's funny.. [kinda] new funny song.. from guys from Texas.. Punk rock in Texas? State where clubs close at 2 AM? Well.. everything is possible apparently.. :> I like this song, especially video. Be sure to check out the lyrics... and still of the girl in video.. Yummy.. Gotta love... those big.. eyes.. :>


More words.. more lyrics... aishiteimasu

Few things that I keep playing.. in random.. dunno why :)

Gary Jules - Mad World
Radiohead - Karma Police
Kenny Rogers - Gambler
Pizzicato Five - Baby Love Child

They put me in a kinda special mood.. well.. sometimes..

Taxicab confessions

Someone said once that taxi driver are different breed of people. On every altitude and longitude cabbies are perceived as
1) thieves
2) people you feel comfortable talking to about most intimate of intimate.

From time to time I travel by cab. Usually I take taxi when I'm in a hurry
or when I'm too drunk/*.* to travel by bus, or other means of transportation. And as everyone I tend to talk to drivers. Recently though I discovered that as much as I have an urge to talk to driver, so does he. For last few weeks, whenever I'm getting on a cab I wait for driver to kick off conversation. And they usually do. They just can't stand quiet customer I guess. After few blocks I hear something like 'So, how was the party, I understand you're coming home from a club', or 'How 'bout them [insert sport team name here] last match', 'ave you erd what that [insert politician name here] said/did recently? That bastard' or simply 'How 'bout weather, oh it's been raining whole morning, the road is all slippery'... Aaaand here starts the conversation.
If I don't respond or dismay them with 'I don't know/care' they usually shut up and don't bother with talking to me... but sometimes they just can't stop talking. They go on and on...
They really are different breed of people.. Really annoying one. Yet, I think you have to be in some way or the other open as a cab driver and be willing to not only listen but also eager to speak..


Pieprzony Madryt, pieprzony angielski

Wkurzylem się. 11 marca wkurzył mnie.
Przybyłem do pracy. Dzień jak codzień. Przeklikałem się przez pocztę,
w której jak zwykle ktoś chciał mi powiększyć penisa, sprzedać
Xanax, Viagre i masę antydepresantów opartych na fluoksetynie..
Potem czas na wiadomości.. z kraju i ze świata..
140 ofiar.. 150.. 160..
Telefon.. sms.. 'czy wszystko w porzadku?' 'tak'.. uff...
Niezasłużone nerwy... W imię czego? Nie chce mi się o tym myśleć, mówić...
Nie chcę... To tyle jeśli chodzi o Madryt..

Kolejny weekend :) Odreagować trzeba :)