Bismallahirrahmanirrahim. In the name of God, the most kind, the most merciful.
With these words begin 113 out of 114 Suras in Quran, holy book of Islam...
In the name of God... God - christians, jews and muslims share.. Cause basically it's the same god.. And by calling terrorists continue their crusade [what an irony] against western world...
There's a claim, that terrorists might use so-called dirty bomb. Dirty bomb generates not as much blast, as radioactive waste in form of nuclear fallout.. I'm afraid. For myself, people I care about, for other fellow countrymen... I'm counting days till April 28th. Economic Forum is due to take place in Warsaw on 28-30th of April, making it very good target for any terrorist group. One attack could wipe out political and economical elites of the western world.. I bet that's tempting... I'm going away days before said Forum, I will return few days after it's over. I hope I will have something to return to. I hope I will find everything in order, as I left it behind. I can only hope nothing will happen.
But I know that since we were involved in Bush crusade we will have to face consequences.. :(