To not give a flying fsck.
Then you just might get lucky...
Or maybe no, I don't bloody know that.
Bath tub tap is okay, plummer came, installed it and it's okay. Thank god, I'm already running low on cash. The little access doors are yet still broken and I don't think it can be fixed. And I don't know where the receipt is so I cannot return it :( dang.
It's been quite busy and interesting week so far, and I'm looking forward for next 3 days.
Today I'm going to the rock concert with a friend. Backstage pass and afterparty included. Wohay!
Tomorrow I have test in Math (which I'm going to fscking fail again ;( ) and I have something aranged for the evening.. yet I still can't remember what it was, it will come to me eventually or maybe no.
Aaaand on saturday I'm going to
I'm going to get sooo wasted. I'm already looking forward for puking and massive hangovers. But it's worth it I guess. There's nothing worse than boredom and nothingness that usually wraps up to be void called 'my life'.. Anywho. till then, bye bye. peace and I'm out..
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