it's been a while since my last entry. It's funny, I always get to blogging when I'm bored and there's nothing going on in my life, yet when something is happening I tend to shy away from the whole blog thingie.
Anyways. It's the end of my first week at work after my 2 weeks off. I've been sick [stomach problems and such] and the good doctor gave me 2 weeks off :) Good for me? Well not exactly. I've been doing a lot of thinking about my life and it doesn't look very bright or nice. Life passes me by. Train goes and I'm not even on that train. I can't say I'm passenger, I'm an alien looking, staring thru the windows of the moving train which only goes faster and faster.
When I was a kid I felt like an outcast, it bugged me back then. But since I was a kid till now.. well really not that much changed. I still feel apart from the normal life. And when I was a kid I felt it was a little deviation from the general scheme of life, and now as I get older the gap gets wider and wider.
I want exactly the same thing as everybody does. I want to be happy. I want to be with someone that cares about me and I want to have someone to watch over and care about. I want to have normal life. But hey, who have a normal life these days, huh?
I know people who envy or loathe people who have normal life, partner, goal in life, successful career or that in general found happiness in life. I don't. I really love my friends and I am happy with everyone of them whenever they find something that makes them happy. I don't envy their happiness, I just wish I had some on my own. And maybe one day I will. Someone said 'good things happen to good people'. I don't know about that. But I don't want to be evil and hurt people just to be happy on my own, so I hope it will turn out to be true.. eventually...
peace people. and if you happen to live in USA - vote Kerry, I have enough hearing of Bush, Dick, Collin and Condi..