I wish it was summer... 1998...
I wish I was by the lake.
I wish I was eighteen again
I wish I had all the hair I had back then
I wish I had to walk for miles to find next nearest town
I wish I I had nothing to do
I wish many things
that noone can give me
I wish I had walked 10 miles for no reason
I wish I had walked 5 miles to buy pizza
I wish I was there
I wish I was then
I wish to be... what I used to be.
I wish I had.. the chances I had to change my life and be happy again
I wish it was the way it was.
I would be different.
no one would care. but I would be
but I still haven't found what I'm looking for
eot. drunk jackal. absinth rules.
Till then, bye bye :)
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