It's hot... why? cause it's boiling man...

Du creux de toi
C'est bien le mal
Qui dresses tes silences.
From the void in you
comes the evil
which draws your empty words.
more... later...
Driving sideways...

taken in by the scenery
as you're propelled along
And your companion
will not help you to navigate
for fear she may be wrong
Hey, this is track I just recalled, it comes from lovely Aimee Mann. I just understood what this song is about.
Anyways. Weekend is ovah, it's almost midnight and in few hours I will have to go to my place of employment and sit there on my ass for few hours with some really weird people I must say.
What else, what else. I don't know. I've been yesterday to the rave, I got really hammered, had some fun although I had some 'stomach sensations' after that plus massive hangover in the morning. Before the rave I went to some birthday. Lotsa weird posh people there, I didn't feel like I fit in, quite contrary. You know, people from marketing and public relations, VI-freakin-Ps, gold/platinum members of everything that's posh, worthless and soulless. One good thing - across the table, in front of me there was this girl with really nice breats and big decolletage.. Oh man it was sooo inspiring... mmm.... boobies...
OK, till then, bye bye.
The secret is to don't give a fsck.

To not give a flying fsck.
Then you just might get lucky...
Or maybe no, I don't bloody know that.
Bath tub tap is okay, plummer came, installed it and it's okay. Thank god, I'm already running low on cash. The little access doors are yet still broken and I don't think it can be fixed. And I don't know where the receipt is so I cannot return it :( dang.
It's been quite busy and interesting week so far, and I'm looking forward for next 3 days.
Today I'm going to the rock concert with a friend. Backstage pass and afterparty included. Wohay!
Tomorrow I have test in Math (which I'm going to fscking fail again ;( ) and I have something aranged for the evening.. yet I still can't remember what it was, it will come to me eventually or maybe no.
Aaaand on saturday I'm going to
I'm going to get sooo wasted. I'm already looking forward for puking and massive hangovers. But it's worth it I guess. There's nothing worse than boredom and nothingness that usually wraps up to be void called 'my life'.. Anywho. till then, bye bye. peace and I'm out..
Halfway weekend.. tough tough...

I went to Leroy-Merlin to get new bath tub tap, 1) got fux0red one, 2) I forgot to stamp the warranty so I can kiss my money goodbye. I also bough little access doors to water meters.. and I haven't noticed one of the corners was damaged.. fuck..
I was supposed to go to the club today, not only that but help with organization and I backed out - reason - no money! :(
What else. I asked cute girl I met yesterday at the pub, and she stood me up.. what a weird day.. and it wasn't bad. I really enjoyed it believe me or not. Maybe cause of the anesthetic I was given in the morning at the dentist, or maybe it was just really interesting day.. Now it's almost midnight, new day comes and although it might be better, I don't think it will top today when it comes to being interesting..
In other news - you can now spy on me! :) I've installed webcam and link should be posted in menu on the right. Yeah, webcams are perverted sfw ;P :))) have fun, peace I'm out ;)
No, I am not fat bastard.. as intended..

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