One of the greatest economists of our times, Dr Francis Fukuyama, author of
The End of History and
The Last Man said in recent interview that Bush administration reminds him of Lenin. But what does that mean for us? Does it mean that next will be new Stalin? Some call Bush Stalin, Hitler already, but I think there's a difference between devouted Christian, who in name of God launches crusade against followers of other religion.. and Hitler.. :> Nah, I'm just kidding. Bush is not after genocide of arabic nations. It's all about Benjamins. He doesn't want to have 'lebensraum' in 'Sauditenland'. And I sometimes that sometimes he really do believe that what he does is right and justified.

But Bush policy raised a lot of questions, not only after infamous 9/11 but from the start. I'm watching closely what's going on in USA. Me as well as number of fellow Europeans. We watch.. in shock and awe.. We are afraid of new Lenin. We are afraid of imposing democracy and bringing it on tanks. We don't like when someone openly supports one regime and overthrows the other. We are not stupid, and maybe it's a hipocrisy... maybe we do have too many skeletons in our closets to judge others.. But I think we have learned that playing God is just not right. And I think in present times world gaining pace require fast learners.
World supporting USA is splitted between flag wavers and whistle blowers. I really think USA need more whistle blowers.. while Europe actually need more flag wavers. Now it's all but in balance. USA has such people as Michael Moore and Noah Chomsky. On the other side of the Atlantic I don't see flag wavers that don't fall under 'fascist' or 'bigot' category.
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