I stopped by blog.pl to read
Wszyscy Tacy Sami.. I browsed newest additions to other totally random blogs. And you know what.. it reminds me of
Group Hug.. A bunch of whining people [hey, like me! :D] writing stuff that usually noone reads. Intelectual pornography. Some people sharing their life and feeling in an erzatz of a diary for other people who gain their pleasure from peeping into other people lifes. I know why I don't read other people diaries - none of my friends run a diary. And I don't care about people I don't know. I only follow blogs that feature comic strips, novels or short stories. And why do I keep running blog? It's a form of a therapy, slash bit of megalomania... ;D
Anyway.. I have to find aunt's phone number and call her up... and I have to plan my vacation.. uh.. and work.. yeah :D
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